Tell it again, Sam
Tell it again, Sam
Creation 2023
"Tell it again, Sam" is the opportunity to show another form from the whole range of storytelling art: that of the finely crafted and dramaturgically carefully thought-out storytelling show.
Inspired by the famous line falsely attributed to Humphrey Bogart's character Rick in Casablanca, the three artists never tire of playing and crossing their languages to tell one long story made of extravagant elements and percussion rhythms. "Tell it again, Sam", a show that highlights the many facets of the art of storytelling itself, is designed to make you smile, reflect and live the moment together.
"Tell it again, Sam" is the final event of the two-year-project CONTE-QUEST.
Duration: +/- 1h15
Languages: Luxembourgish & French (and maybe a few bits of English?)
"Betsy Dentzer et Luisa Bevilacqua, accompagnées de la percussionniste Louisa Marxen, emmènent le spectateur loin du quotidien dans ce spectacle de conte insolite et surprenant.
S’inspirant de la célèbre réplique qu’on attribue faussement au personnage de Rick, campé par Humphrey Bogart, dans Casablanca, Betsy Dentzer, Luisa Bevilacqua et Louisa Marxen ne se lassent pas de jouer et croiser leurs langages pour ne raconter qu’une seule et longue histoire faite d’éléments extravagants et de rythmes de percussions. Tell it again, Sam, un spectacle qui met en avant les multiples facettes de l’art du conte-même, est destiné à faire sourire, réfléchir et vivre ensemble pleinement le moment présent." (