Creation 2021
"Mord ist der Wollust nah wie Rauch dem Feuer.“ sagte einst schon William Shakespeare. Na, dann wollen wir mal!
Nein, nicht morden, aber davon erzählen! Wir werden euch hinterrücks die Ohren blutig erzählen bis euch die Haare zu Berge stehen - mit messerscharfen Worten, rätselhaften Anekdoten und eiskalten Kriminalgeschichten. Wir haben Blut geleckt und können es euch nicht ersparen: unser genüsslich bitterböses Blutgewinsel.
"Murder’s as Near to Lust as Flame to Smoke" William Shakespeare once said. Well, let's do it!
No, not commit murder, but tell about it! We'll make your hair stand on end - with razor-sharp words, terrifying anecdotes and chilling crime stories. We've tasted blood and can't spare you: gleefully bitter and nasty blood whine.
After Maria Carmela Marinelli, Selma Scheele from Cologne is the second storyteller that Betsy Dentzer invited to Luxembourg to perform with her as part of the Tête-à-Tête series.
Betsy launched Tête-à-Tête in 2019 with three partners to bring the full range of storytelling arts to the local audience. The first edition took place in November 2019 at three venues as "Nachtschattengeschwätz". In addition to the three storytelling evenings for adults, four storytelling events for children ("Hände hoch!") were also organised.
Storytellers: Selma Scheele, Betsy Dentzer
Production : Erzielkonscht a.s.b.l.
Coproduction: Coopérations Wiltz, Kulturfabrik Esch-Alzette, Kulturhaus Niederanven