Stories & Sounds - Jam Session
Erzielkonscht3 Fraen, 3 Stëmmen, 3 Weeër eng Geschicht z’erzielen…
Déi zwou Erzielkënschtlerinnen Luisa Bevilacqua a Betsy Dentzer treffen op d’Claire Parsons, Jazzsängerin a -musekerin. Si all reese mat liichtem Gepäck fir sech zesummen op eng onbekannte Rees ze maachen: Al Weeër gi verlooss fir am Moment Neies z’entdecken.
Virun den Aen an Ouere vum Public loossen di 3 Kënschtlerinnen nei Welten entstoen, wou Kläng, Wieder, Gesang, Geschichten a Musek sech géigesäiteg inspiréieren an ofwiesselen.
“Stories & Sounds ” ass ee Sprong an d’kaalt Waasser, en Experiment, ee Faass ouni Buedem voller Pläséier um Spill, an deem alles méiglech ass…an nach villes méi.
Three women, three voices, three ways to tell a story.
Two storytelling artists, Betsy Dentzer and Luisa Bevilacqua, meet Claire Parsons, a jazz singer and musician. Together they embark on an unknown journey to discover something new and spontaneous in the moment.
The three artists create new worlds in which sounds, words, songs, stories and music inspire and complement each other.
"Stories and Sounds" is a jump into the deep end, an experiment, a playful space in which anything is possible.
Artists: Luisa Bevilacqua (storyteller), Betsy Dentzer (storyteller), Claire Parsons (singer and musician)
Production: Erzielkonscht ASBL
Languages: Luxembourgish, French...and whatever appears in the moment
Cube 521
1-3, Driicht